8:00 PM20:00

Music in the Alps Opening Concert / Eröffnungskonzert "Auf den Spuren von Schubert"

“Auf den Spuren von Schubert” with Lika Megreshvili (flute), Mariya Klymenko (piano), Andrii Murza (violin), Ariane Becker-Bender (viola), Boris Stansky (cello), Dima Gagulidze (double bass) and Irena Portenko (piano).

Program: Introduction and Variations for flute and Piano, Fantasy in f minor and “Trout” Quintet

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8:00 PM20:00

A Show of Caring, A Concert to benefit Ukraine

A Show of Caring
A Concert to benefit Ukraine
March 27th, 2022 at 8:00pm

You are invited to an evening of song and solidarity to benefit the citizens of Ukraine, who are fighting for their families, the future of their country—and their lives. Here is your opportunity to show you care by coming to this special all-volunteer event. All proceeds after ticket sales will be donated to charities supporting Ukrainian rescue efforts, including and

Tarrytown Music Hall
Tarrytown, NY
Tickets $75 (first four rows), $30

Irena Portenko, piano
Jeffrey Palmer, countertenor
Svetlana Gorokhovich, piano
Stefan Szkafarowsky, bass
Ukrainian Chorus “Dumka” of NY

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12:30 PM12:30


On July 15th the topic of presentation is to be announced. It will be a short story by a famous author. You will have three weeks to read, absorb and digest reading material. At the end, you will have to come up with a way to illustrate this short story by musical sounds. It can be done solo, in collaboration with someone else (in the vocal or instrumental field), it can also be interdisciplinary exploration with a dancer, artist, narrator etc

The main idea is to use the sound palette to convey both story and a message, intended by the author.

The time given for each presentation should not exceed more than 10 minutes (5-7 minutes is the perfect length).

Location TBD

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