Schubert's “Winterreise” at Weill Recital Hall
Schubert’s “Winterreise” with Reinhard Mayr (Austria) at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall.
Das Festival "Music in the Alps" – eine einzigartige mulitkulturelle, künstlerische Erfahrung für Studierende und Profi-Musiker*innen – ist von einer bescheidenen Anzahl von Schüler*innen im Jahr 2013 zu einem florierenden Sommerprogramm mit Tausenden von Teilnehmer*innen und Gästen im Gasteinertal angewachsen.
Das Ziel des Festivals "Music in the Alps" ist es, internationale professionelle und talentierte junge Musikerinnen und Musiker zusammenzubringen, damit sie ihre wertvollen Erfahrungen in der Musik miteinander teilen können. Sie treten gemeinsam auf, nehmen an Vorträgen, Workshops und Kammermusiksessions teil, während sie lebenslange Erinnerungen und Freundschaften schließen.
Highlights des diesjährigen Festivals sind zwei Auftritte von zwei herausragenden jungen Musikern, die jeweils ein Solokonzert geben. Damit soll die Wichtigkeit verdeutlicht werden, dass die neue Generation in der komplexen Welt von heute eine Stimme hat, sowohl als Mensch als auch als Musiker. Das Ziel des Festivals ist es, ihre Talente zu unterstützen und zu fördern.
Das Festival steht jedes Jahr unter einem besonderen Motto, das die Gedanken, Gefühle und Wünsche der Musiker*innen widerspiegelt. In diesem Jahr lautet es “Favorite Things”.
In The Sound of Music singt Maria den Von-Trapp-Kindern "Favorite Things" vor und tröstet sie während des Gewitters, indem sie all die Dinge beschreibt, die sie trösten, wenn sie traurig ist. Im Leben sind Gewitter recht häufige Gäste. In diesen Momenten kann das Nachdenken über unsere Lieblingsdinge unsere Traurigkeit oder sogar Angst in Richtung Mut und Zuversicht verschieben, so wie das Saure einer Zitrone erträglicher und beruhigender wird, wenn wir ihr Süße hinzufügen.
Wir halten an unseren Lieblingssachen fest, um persönlichen Trost zu finden und um sie mit unseren Lieben zu teilen. Sie helfen uns, unsichere Zeiten zu überstehen und unsere Lebensfreude zu steigern.
Saftige grüne Hänge, märchenhafte Wege, elegante Kiefern, majestätische Berggipfel, die intensive Kraft des Wasserfalls und vor allem die herzlichen Gesichter und Begegnungen sind meine Lieblingsdinge in Bad Gastein. Meine große musikalische Familie nimmt neue Mitglieder auf und heißt alle willkommen – in diesem August zum 11. Mal.
Ob Sie ein junger Künstler, ein Gast oder ein erfahrener Musiker sind, Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, Zeit mit uns bei "Music in the Alps" zu verbringen und diese wunderbare und inspirierende Erfahrung in die Liste Ihrer Lieblingsdinge aufzunehmen!
The "Music in the Alps" festival - a unique multicultural, artistic experience for students and professional musicians - has grown from a modest number of students in 2013 to a thriving summer program with thousands of participants and guests in the Gastein Valley.
The aim of the "Music in the Alps" festival is to bring together international professional and talented young musicians so that they can share their valuable experiences in music with each other. They perform together, take part in lectures, workshops and chamber music sessions while making lifelong memories and friendships.
Highlights of this year's festival include two performances by two outstanding young musicians, each giving a solo concert. The aim is to highlight the importance of the new generation having a voice in today's complex world, both as people and as musicians. The aim of the festival is to support and promote their talents.
Each year, the festival has a special theme that reflects the thoughts, feelings and wishes of the musicians. This year it is "Favorite Things".
In The Sound of Music, Maria sings "Favorite Things" to the Von Trapp children and comforts them during the thunderstorm by describing all the things that comfort her when she is sad. In life, thunderstorms are quite frequent guests. In those moments, reflecting on our favorite things can shift our sadness or even fear toward courage and confidence, just as the sourness of a lemon becomes more bearable and comforting when we add sweetness to it.
We hold on to our favorite things for personal comfort and to share with our loved ones. They help us get through uncertain times and increase our zest for life.
Lush green slopes, fairy-tale paths, elegant pine trees, majestic mountain peaks, the intense power of the waterfall and, above all, the warm faces and encounters are my favorite things about Bad Gastein. My large musical family is welcoming new members and welcoming all - this August for the 11th time.
Whether you are a young artist, a guest or an experienced musician, you are cordially invited to spend time with us at "Music in the Alps" and add this wonderful and inspiring experience to your list of favorite things!
Schubert’s “Winterreise” with Reinhard Mayr (Austria) at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall.
Pianist and teacher Dr Irena Portenko curates this concert of student musicians on January 25th at St. John’s in the Village, NY, NY.
Scarsdale High School Choir: “From Darkness into the Light” at the Scarsdale Women’s Club.
Music of Schubert and Chopin at the Ardsley Country Club at 4:30pm.
Classical Sundays: Piano Duo Svetlana Gorokhovich & Irena Portenko at the South Huntington Library, Long Island, New York on Sunday, January 12 at 2:30pm.
Celebrate the 11th Summer Festival with a Gala, “My Favorite Things”.
Josani Pimenta (mezzo-soprano) presents Brazilian Sacred Music.
Marcel Leczky (cello) and Mykhailo Diordiev (piano) present two Sonatas for Cello and Piano by J. Brahms.
Multimedia Presentation.
Classical Music in the Movies in the 20th and 21st centuries.
Tammy Hensrud (mezzo-soprano) and friends presents “Songs of Love”.
Young Performers Showcase Volume 2
Jeffrey Palmer (countertenor) and Irena Portenko (piano) present “Baroque to Baltic”.
Annabel Hauk (cello) and Irena Portenko (piano) present Sonatas by Beethoven, Chopin and Franck
Young Performers Showcase Volume 1.
Taras and the young performers present “All that Jazz”.
Afternoon of music with Jeffrey Palmer (countertenor) and Irena Portenko (piano).
Schubert’s “Winterreise” with Reinhard Mayr (baritone) and Irena Portenko (piano).
Mariya Klymenko (piano) plays Beethoven and Brahms.
Music in the Alps presents a program for kids (and adults), Disney for Al!
Arne Kircher (cello) and Vlad Kaznodii (piano) present Sonatas for Cello and Piano by Beethoven, Schumann, and “Fern Blossom” by Sofia Lozina.
Music in the Alps: “Dolce far Niente” Italienische Lieder der Leidenschaft
Italian Songs with Yuliya Fesay (soprano) and Irena Portenko (piano).
Concert titled: “It’s a Broadway World”
“Auf den Spuren von Schubert” with Lika Megreshvili (flute), Mariya Klymenko (piano), Andrii Murza (violin), Ariane Becker-Bender (viola), Boris Stansky (cello), Dima Gagulidze (double bass) and Irena Portenko (piano).
Program: Introduction and Variations for flute and Piano, Fantasy in f minor and “Trout” Quintet
Presented by “Music in the Alps”. Irena Portenko, piano in a Solo Concert-Benefit for Ukraine. Performing Ludwig van Beethoven last three sonatas, Opuses 109, 110, and 111. With a special appearance of Ukrainian Chorus “Dumka” of New York.
A Show of Caring
A Concert to benefit Ukraine
March 27th, 2022 at 8:00pm
You are invited to an evening of song and solidarity to benefit the citizens of Ukraine, who are fighting for their families, the future of their country—and their lives. Here is your opportunity to show you care by coming to this special all-volunteer event. All proceeds after ticket sales will be donated to charities supporting Ukrainian rescue efforts, including and
Tarrytown Music Hall
Tarrytown, NY
Tickets $75 (first four rows), $30
Irena Portenko, piano
Jeffrey Palmer, countertenor
Svetlana Gorokhovich, piano
Stefan Szkafarowsky, bass
Ukrainian Chorus “Dumka” of NY
L. van Beethoven Final Piano Sonatas at the Cathedral in Odessa, Ukraine. POSTPONED
Chamber Music Concert at Ukrainian National Academy of Music in Kyiv, Ukraine. POSTPONED
L. van Beethoven Triple Concerto in C Major wit Conductor Volodymyr Kozhuhar and the Kyiv National Philharmonia, Ukraine. POSTPONED